singapore airshow 2008. $20 for tickets. went on the last day right on time when the doors open. getting there from the mrt involves getting a free shuttle bus service that took nearly 30 minutes to get to from the mrt station to the exhibition venue. getting in was easy and painfree. the exhibits were also quite empty so could stick around to take pics.

AH64, singapore army







f16c in front of a c130

gulfstream 550

some eurocopter

i like the reflection of the propellers on the chrome nose

singapore's f16, used for acrobatics - the black knights.

dont know how this one got in.


SIA cabin

black knights


f50 trainer, korean? - upside




big fat flying chunk of metal that looks like a humpback whale

the roulettes from australia.

blades of a AH64

what model is that?

getting out after the airshow was a BIG headache. had to queue up from inside the compound, to get out, then outside the gate, you snake three times up and down along the canal from where this pic was taken till the flagpoles. then cross the bridge to the other side.

once you crossed the bridge, snake twice again before reaching the waiting bus. took a good 30 minutes to just get to the bus. and with my heavy bag of camera stuff, it was not fun. but it was well managed. i wouldnt have done any better with the crowd control and logistics. if i have any idea how, i would be complaining now.


  1. Herb said...

    You are really handy with the new camera and you really have an eye for shots. Sorry I don't comment more, but I do stop by.  


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