went to sentosa during chinese new year coz have not been there for ages (years) and parents also want to go see how its like now. watched the 'songs of the sea' at 740pm. the gates opened almost an hour before the show. so we sat around wondering. teh show was not bad. maybe will upload some vids later. here are some shots with my cam.

the show is a water, lights, sound, pryo show. its about a group of friends singing at the beach and there was this hero that had a super nice voice and by his magical singing, he woke up the powers of fire, water, wind, and some princess amy, whom he seemed to like very much.
the interesting thing about it all was that the guy's name is Lee.
now i wonder why of all the nice chinese surnames available, the scriptwriters had to choose that...

thisis oscar the 'guide' of the whole show who leads Lee to the next level. ugly fish that has buck teeth.


water spirit? cant remember

oscars companions.

pryos at teh end. very nice. can feel the heat.

walking out of the place to the cable car station, passed by the observation tower. nice.

waited one freakin hour for the cable car!!! queue super long

coming into harbourfront from sentosa. camera shake!!! ughs..



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