EFS 18-55mm
EF 75-300mm 1:4-5.6 II
: S$180

Lexar compact flash card 4Gb 300x speed

so i'm set to do some shutterbugging!!!
come back soon to see a quantum leap in the quality of images.

have been dreaming of this day since the time i bought over my friend's Minolta DiMage xt camera (that was used to take the above pic) almost 3 years ago. used it so much till the CCD spoilt and had to send back to the company to repair (but the repair cost was free, can you believe it? they said it was a manufacturing defect). And the camera's so old till Minolta already sold their camera arm to Sony (I'm not a Sony fan BTW). The camera's so used that the 4 digit picture code on the files went from 9999 to 0000 back again.

but still its going strong. and so will my 40D 10 years from today. mark my words.

oh and i think i caught the BBB virus. its a local thing here they call the 'buy buy buy virus' that alot of photographers have. whatever they see and like, they got to get hold of. well, my infection period is coming to a close as my pockets somehow suddenly feel awfully light.



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