was in kiruna town two weeks ago, trying to experience -30C winterstorms but the temp only showed -15 at minimum. so dissapointed.

today i show the pictures of my wonderings aroudn the town. the everyday life of kiruna-ians!

trolley or baby pram? in the snow everybody owns a sleigh. remember to lock it or it'll slide away.

there are many unique shops in this town. this one sells all kinds of curiosities from jewelery to an old piano to furniture to stuffed animals to Sami art. very cool to look around in his warm shop.

i got tempted by this little pouch to keep the huge swedish coins. 65sek for this moose skin pouch, felt it was worth it. the skin is really soft and has a nice leather smells.

we went to the tourist information office and in front of it were some iron art pieces. found this one interesting. a rabbit staring at a round block. if you know the geography, the hill with three terrace is a landmark in kiruna. more on that in anotehr post. but i think the artist was trying to as the question, how does nature see the progress of man in altering the environment around him.

estrange is a commercial space station in sweden. they launch rockets for scientific purposes. heres a scale replica of the rocket. at the tourist infomation center later, we found space food, stuff they feed nasa spacemen with, so bought some. haha. dehydrated ice cream tastes weird! but still very edible as a biscuit.

because its so cold, cars need to be plugged in to keep them warm else they cant start up later. yea, its that cold.

plenty of snow everywhere, and the town council plows them into large moulds everywhere, giving reason to climb them.

anotehr interesting shop, this one is owned by a Sami, the indegenious people of northern scandinavia. she's a tailor, and fashions clothes and accessories out of bright cloth and fur. very nice, but very ex

again i fell into temptation and bought this goat skin for 265sek. its currently on my chair's backrest keeping me warm. also very happy with this buy.

will come back one day for the larger reindeer ones. would really be good for a lazychair. the Sami's use this as a bedspread, to insulate themselves against the cold from the icy ground. it costs almost 2.5 times my goat skin. pricy but the fur is so lushous!

beware of skiiers!

i so want that spoon!

kiruna exists because there is a huge deposit of iron ore nearby. so this iron art piece bears testimony to its importance. without it the town would not be so prosperous or even exist so far north.

cloudberry jam. bought a small bottle to try, abit sour and full of seeds. crunchy!

plastic glowing snowman. and interesting mailbox post.



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