another commercial break from the holiday posts. visited a silk weaving mill which is not really functional anymore. silk used to be a popular material to make clothes, scarves, ties, etc, and this mill makes them by hand, so its expensive and for those who can afford luxury.

some 'modern' invention, that uses punch cards to create patterns, its the first computer, sort of coz the holes means 1 and no hole is 0 so its a binary system, like today's computers.

wind wind wind the bobbin

small loom for making sashes. this one makes 6 at a go

big one that makes 60cm width cloth

this was their most famous product, black scarves for ladies to go church on sundays. they used to sell these by the tens of thousands each year.

all the royal ribbons that the royal family wears as well as those of politicians in sweden comes exclusively from this mill

some other products

the only lady remaining in the mill. whatever she makes she can sell off for herself, one meter of hand woven silk costs 3750sek, thats 360€ or 750sgd or about RM1700. its really very beautiful but i wont put my money into this.



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