next to the chocolate shops that made belgium famous.

a tub of chocolate with a syringe of liquor stuck into it

autumn special shaped chocolates.

the shops are jsut a thin facade outside the huge hall.

brussels also famous for waffles.

waffle with chocolate. hoho

to the right is the box, a new conference center, supposedly one of the best in europe.

a row of art nouveau buildings, a artistic design of buildings which is typical of belgium.

next stop, the musical instrument museum.

flowery designs all over the place.

upright grand piano

wooden saxaphone

flute made of crystal, must be it give a very clear sound.

some brass with multiple horns

multiple snake like mouth instruments tied together.

glass harmonica. you turn the bowls and put your finger on differnet ones to make a mellow sound

thorny tambourines.

whistles of various shapes

what synthesizers used to look like.

mechanical piano ive heard of but brass band?



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