got a few new stuff in my room to keep me company, since my gf left for holland till her next visit in november.

i've been wanting to grow this purple chili plant for a long time, finally got a pot. Will do it next week. need to find some earth first.

shoe rack thats not really supposed to be a shoe rack, but the shoe racks are super ex, cheaper to buy a normal shelf and use it for shoes. 99sek, vs a 59sek two layer shoe rack thats made of cheap plastic

bathroom deco, to make it more enjoyable to defecate in

close up of the bubbling fish

lastly, free shelves from some nearby shop that threw them out one day, so I hauled them back and give it a quick clean, few dents and holes here and there, but still very useable. free things, dont complaint.


  1. Herb said...

    I like your shoe rack and it makes cents. lol. I thought that in the first picture there was a bug in a cup.  

  2. samsam said...

    haha, dead lizard? but its really interesting, the purple chili. hope it grows and blooms.  


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