The south campus trio gathers once again for dinner, this time its Sarene's turn to cook.

fried potato pancakes with bits of carrot and meat in it. she added flour, eggs and milk till contended with the texture. I say it needs a dash of salt to be perfect.

finishing touches on the veg.

scooping up the assam fish. instant packet with brinjal and ladies finger. lipsmacking!

i'm drooling right now

the feast

the veg is being suffocated by a troop of mushrooms

after 30 minutes of silence, this is the result:

then there was a pause of anotehr 30 minutes to digest and regain our composure as civilized people. next was dessert, chocolate mousse, prepared by yours truly.

dark rich creamy chocolate with a hint of vanilla essence and a sprinkle of mint on top. Serve chilled with seasonal (or out of season frozen) fruit.

This is mine:

This is the other person's:

This is another other person's:

no one managed to finsih the chocolate, it was too thick and creamy, thanks to secret ingredient X that was inside the mousse. It was suggested that we either have more people or smaller cups next time round.

point taken.



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