went to visit my girlfriend last week hence the lack of postings, while there, went canoeing, coz one of the days had amazingly good weather in terms of holland's standard.
this is me before it all started, pumped up and ready to beat the world record.

there were alot of small outlets from the main canal but we didnt dare venture.

keep on bumping into the trees. either drinking milk makes you drunk or we are terrible at steering.

amazing sights, tranquility, peace, silence.

the happy free loader.

bump against the bridge

drips, frozen in time

hit the sides again.

crashed into some tree by the side

some places were wide open spaces of blue sky and warm sun. some places were cool shaded trees with mirror reflections.

decided to turn back after an hour of peddling.

the way back was following the wind, so was slightly easier. We changed places, front and back, so we get to see diff perspectives.

this is my gf after its all over, happy she didnt need to row so much but just relaxed.



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