the process of printing paper money and how they design the notes

the printing stamp

the kids area. alwyas more interesting than the adult's boring factual stuff

kids get to go aboard a treasure ship and hunt for sunken treasure.

harry potter money

Then there’s a part showing decorative coins, medals and such, that have no real face value. Like the prototype Nobel prize medal, and the many faces of kings engraved onto medals to show their power. Didn’t quite understand the display but I think they made it to give out to neighbors to show their powers, like a form of propaganda. Either that or they are extremely egoistic. There’s one artist who went sarcastic and made a medal with a relief of a pig’s face, saying why put kings that bring us to war.

an artist making a clay relief of a person. one day i shall have mine done. haha

test to see if your money is real

the medals exhibit. no monetary printed value, but still valuable.

the prototype Nobel medals

still waiting for the day i get mine.

medals as medium of propaganda: the king, fast asleep is resting and at peace with God, who shows him a dream of angels with an open heaven, while on earth, he is supported by a strong army at the background, ready to defend him and the country.



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