This is the local museum in Uppsala showcasing local industry, cottage works, and history of the area.

precise measurements of your hand size

bahco, maker of fine spannars, never heard before....

soem craft weaving exhibiton, some rugs quite nice

looking out at the frozen river. can walk across it.

what people in uppsala ate exactly 500years, 2 months, and 34 days ago.

quite realistic, the fish abit burnt, and since the tail too long, just break it off and put it back on the plate. very believable.

archeological finds

some kind of horn

cutesy pig

for those cold nights

linnaeus' book cataloging all living things.

some kind of water pump

clay figures of what life was like last time

dangers of handling heavy machinery pt 1

dangers of handling heavy machinery pt 2

skinned squirrels. wanted one but not for sale.



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