when the shoots and buds come out, so do the birds. pecking and hacking at the young things

this bird is seeking higher illumination

this one hopes to follow in teh path of a higher flying being

reminds me of the common myna

whatcha looking at? never seen a bird in a bird house?

bird eating berries. very messy eater, most of it wasted and falls away

big bird

bird that caught a worm, it was about 3 pm, and so proves the old adage wrong: the late bird does not loose out on worms

i think this is a cuckoo. it makes those kinds of sounds.


  1. Jinny said...

    Yaaay!! Please tell tht to my mother "Late bird don't lose out on the worm... "  

  2. samsam said...

    who's the pretty chick?  


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