Was coming home from church last sunday when suddenly the whole road was filled with green people, no not aliens. green people.
Like, what the heck was going on?

my guess is the finals of either an ice hockey or football match at Globen, which is this large globe like structure that you can see as a little white dome to the right of the round blue clock in the picture below.

they were singing, shouting slogans, drinking beer, waving flags, and ignoring traffic. There were even a few police officers around to make sure the cars stopped. I think its a terrible feeling to be in one of those cars stuck in the middle of the crossing when this happened. everybody passing by would stare into the car like watching fish in an aquarium.

I was spellbound by the troop of walkers that i stood there watching for 15 minutes. actually they stopped traffic for 15 minutes so the bus on the other side of the junction couldnt cross over, and I didnt want to walk back. thus i waited.
Can you imagine a troop of people, walking down the road of 4 lanes, taking a good 15 minutes to cross one junction? Thats ALOT of people.



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