went to efteling, a fairy tale theme park in holland. was impressed with the park, firstly because of its size. its really huge with alot of walking in between attractions, but considering the atmosphere and who i'm walking with *ahem*, its ok.
entry was about €24.
there are attractions for all age groups, for the adrenaline junkies, there are lots of rides, for the kids, there are slower rides, and for everybody there's shows and parks.

oh yes, the whether was superb.


map of the whole park

alot of these in-the-middle-of-nowhere-got-something attractions. here its an atm at the back of a huge sofa.

roving musicians wooing the populace.

either you will think this is an amazing shot or you will say the air is very polluted.

even coke gets into the mood

one of the man made lakes in the park

this pic should be in the next post, its the house of the 7 goats, notice the big bad wolf at the window.



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