piranha, the boat ride, didnt get wet, so quite boring

pagoda, takes you high up to see far beyond the park grounds.

the maze, a hedge maze, not that big, and no dead ends, and no exit. you come out the same point as you got in.

the maze

in the maze there's this bridge you have to cross and there's water spouts along it. try to not get wet.

indoor roller coaster, the bird is from sinbad.

the second thing that impressed me of this park is the care they took to make every part of it look fun. to get to an attraction, you had long winding passages to follow, basically coz in summer and weekends, the place is overpacked and you have long waiting lines, but while waiting, the surrounding keeps you in the mood. you wont just see boring railings.

one of the old slow rides originating in the 1950's. quite amusing to go on them. a different sort of fun compared to the roller coaster fun.

you sit in these capsules that turn you around to face the different displays.

the python


below the python, waiting for coins to drop from people's pockets.

getting to the flying dutchman. long and winding way

yes, this is the place ppl queue up to wait for the ride, and there are quite a few of these rooms in a row.

one of the lights along the way that i found very nice, the blub flickers

the end part of the flying dutchman.

the loading/unloading. isnt the planing and detail just amazing?

the bobsled



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