with my pc up and running, i can edit my pictures, so to begin with, here are some panoramic shots from the places i've been.

from a boat ride in the city, through the window, you can see two hot air balloons in the evening sun. this shot is not photoshop-ed, its overexposed in relation to the sky.

this is the dock from which you take the boat ride

this is the bank of the river near skansen. thats a outdoor theme park, whcih you can see on the far left of the pic, some roller coasters and stuff.

from the window of the tv room, when i first came, the end of summer.

from the back of my hostel, another green shot

the start of autumn now, the same view but from a different angle. notice the yellows and reds.

my room, with my assembled pc and new pillow, of course ikea.

the kitchen

the tv room



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