went to vasa museum, its a purpose built museum to house a shipwreck, the Vasa, which sank i think in 1660. it sank 20 minutes after being launched from the dry dock.

model replica of the vasa

little model of how they brought up the sunken ship from stockholm bay


to scale, how deep the wreck was from the surface . the image behind is the scarry stockholm sea monster...hiak hiak

the lion in front of the ship symbolizes Gustaf Aldoph, the king at that time, who built the ship to fight the polish in some war.

skeletons of less fortunate seamen who were underdeck at that time and didnt get to escape.

the side

double level gun ports. some canons were more than 1 ton in weight and it had 43 canons.

upper deck

mast and look out

the back

galleries on different levels let you see the ship from diferent perspectives

the tattered sails, imagine, cotton from more than 300 years ago

very intricate carvings, the artisans came from holland and germany. swedish boats usually don t have such decorations. the reason why the ship sank was because it was too heavy on top, with all the canons and these extra carvings. in addition, there was not enoguh ballast in the lower decks to balance the ship, there was only 120tons of ballast when it is now calculated that the ship needed about 240tons.

scale model of the captains quarters.

scale model of the whole ship

someone's pot

someone's board game

the whole side

what guns looked back then

different types of canon shots, for different purposes

supporting brackets

what the sculptures should have looked like. in full colour

without the metal braces, teh boat will collapse under its own weight

the hose that was used to make holes under the ship so that cables could be drawn under the ship to lift it up to the surface, now its a fountain

the outside of the museum

some nearby bridge



  1. Jinny said...

    Hey you manage to take some very nice photos!! Shucks... either my skills sucks... or my camera sucks... or maybe a bit of both! Love the sea monster... ekekekekek!  

  2. samsam said...

    wonder if the sea monster love you...  


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