I hate Swedish banks

It is like impossible to open a bank account here. First time I went to the bank, they said I needed a personnal number, which the tax office issues to every foreigner. So I go to the tax office to ask for a number; one form and two weeks later they come back saying I don’t have a letter saying I am a student/ working in this country. So I wait for my boss to return from his trip to get him to sign a letter. Another week later, I get my personnal number. Then I go to the bank with my number and they say they need also a letter saying I am a student in such a university doing what course for how long.


Back to my boss, who is again away on another trip. So when he got back I get my letter. Great, everthing I need is here now, got my passport and visa, the personnal number, and my letter saying I’m a student. Third time’s a charm, right?


The bank looks at my passport then looks at the tax office letter and says why my name is different,


Apparently the tax office are run by a bunch of idiots who think people’s last names are really at the last end bit of their names, so my Chinese name becomes my family name for the tax office. But when I look at my visa, its in the correct order, with my correct family name.

I’m sorry

The bank refuses for the third time to allow me to open an account. The lady at the counter was ‘really’ helpful. She kindly advices me to ‘try another bank’. These people don’t even care to make new ready customers. What the heck. It’s a good thing Chinese are not in the banking sector here, everybody else will go bust.

So the tax office is visited. ‘we need official documentation’. But its my own name! who would want to fake their names by saying their first name is last and their last is first? Is this whole country run by idiots? Shouldn’t I know my name more than anyone else?

I am so very pissed off.


  1. Jinny said...

    Hahahahhahahahah!!! Welcome to Europe dear!! You are getting your fair share of "interesting" stories already! ;) Hehehheh!! You'll get used to it after awhile... dats also why I don't even have a credit card now. Gave up after trying 3 times.  


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