
went to the park near to the bridges seen from my hostel window to look around.

found an apple tree. i think the apples sour or got worms, if not sure long time gone already.

mushrooms. the locals will go mushroom collecting during autumn, i rather go to the shop to buy, wait pick wrong one, then go heaven early my room there not yet ready, jiat lat, got to sleep on the hard golden road.

the govt gives out plots of land to people who want to grow stuff, so they can plant flowers and veg on the land, to keep them occupied, so they wont loiter around doing nothing. more for retired people.

the train tracks shimmering in the evening sun.

the traiin bridges, viewed from a different angle. the river is really beautiful

perfect pak tor place, *hint hint*

very nice bridge, it looks like made of gold in the evening light.

two swans just after they quarreled

another pak tor place.

check out the reflection



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