so after church i went to walk around the town, hmmm, yea, town. not that big to call it a city. almost everything is in walking distance (except the church)

visited other churches. most of them were actually roman catholic churches and when the reformation swept the country, they changed the churches to Lutheran, so its all still very traditional during services but the buildings are all catholic cathedral style.

church of the holy trinity. the tower contains some very cool stuff like the robes of some bishop 100 years ago and a nobel prize medallion. will go up one day to see.

the uppsala cathedral, huge.
the king, Gustaf iii, and carl lineaus was buried here.

at the uppsala castle. king gustaf iii's

another view of the castle.

view of the town from the castle

the back-side view of the castle

dunno where

the botanical gardens

gustaf iii's canons

the canons pointing in the direction of the cathedral. coz the king is afraid of the power of the bishops in the church as they own so much land and are such a great influence on the people. the canons serve to remind the church who's in power.

bell tower of the castle, has some histroy to it but forgot what

no more leaves!! winter is at hand.

the castle from ground level

evening reflections

one of the grand uppsala uni buildings. must visit the library is its the biggest in scandinavia and has some really old books on display.



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