at Abisko, we tried dogsleighing. 4 dogs one person, 12 km, -10C, 9am.

the dogs are just mad to start running so got to pin them down and tie them up. if you let go, they will zip off

'please let me out to run'

warming up for the exercise.

it was an amazing experience with the dogs, wide open country space, the soft snow making quiet slushes as the sleigh zips by. the dogs running silently and swiftly. the cold breeze in your face. one of the points in time where your mind will forever remember.

the dogs get hot because of the run and burry themselves in loose snow to chill out, even at this cold temp.

can see my reflection in the dogs eyes.

ice kacang anyone?

we stopped to rest halfway for about 5 minutes. the view of the mountain range was just great.

then it was off again. the first part was lots of uphill, but the second half had more flat ground and downhill, so it was more enjoyable.

you have no idea how precarious it looked to hold the sleigh by one hand and click with the other.

another amazing white scenery.

why did we stop?

the frozen lake just lies yonder.

one part was through narrow ways lined with the bare branches of trees. the dogs know how to keep in the middle.

beautiful pink clouds

the famous valley in Abisko, forgot its name though... not so famous after all.

i would do this again one day, but would go for a longer trip, the dogs were fantastic, friendly and just enjoyable to be with. the feelign of being pulled in the sleigh was great. felt like you stepped back in time, and were on this adventure into the wilderness with no human contact for the next 100 miles.




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