took a drink at the icebar when night had fallen. it was still early so nobody was there yet. one tiny cup/glass/icecube with hole filled with coloured juice cost 5€.

the 2009 Absolut bar

these iceglasses are made of frozen ice from the river hollowed out in the middle. i am wondering how they serve warm drinks. the river water is clean enough to drink, so its safe. but you need to drink up soon or else the liquid inside will freeze, then you will get red and blue popsicles.

for the fun of it, we sucked and sucked and sucked at the ice to wear it out

this is as far as we got without making our lips frozen.

the crystal hall at night. with different lighting conditions, the ice blocks look different because of the different light refraction at different times of the day.

the chandeliers are made of ice, in case you were wondering. the lights are all 5w, so not enough heat generated to melt the ice. of couse you cant use your 500w floods. there will probably be nothing left by morning.

the chandeliers, from bottom up.



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