the 2009 ice hotel

the standard entrance that stays almost the same every year. the blue blocks are ice hewn from the Torne river at the back of the hotel, into which it will melt when summer comes. the white is made of a mash of snow and ice, named snice. they collect ice from the river, then mash it up and blow it overy metal frames that give the structure of the building. sort of an ice casting process.


the crystal hall in the day

dark alleys leading to exquisite rooms. i think there are 70+ of them

clear blocks

some of the rooms are shown below. each is hand made by various artises from around the world who submit and the winners get to create their room designs.

treetop bed

will the chair melt or the person freeze first?

bedroom of a racing car theme

frozen in time


optical illusion. the farthest chair is fake, and the table is not that long.

on the opposite side are fake doors and linked rooms.

vain room


evening sun, and the ice turns to dark blue

next to the hotel is the chapel, where you can get married for 500€ in a 30 minute service.

basin for infant baptisms. they pour warm water into the dish immediately before the water sprinkling.

the hanging things are for candles.

at the back of the hotel is the river Torne, where the block of ice comes from. now its solid ice.



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