for 95sek, one person can book a bed from stockholm to abisko. a train ride that takes 16 hours that brings you from teh land of cold to the land of frozen.

warm blankets provided.

so is boxed water, never seen this before.

glowing couple

the corridor along the rooms. each room sits/sleeps 6.

so at first you have two facing benches that each sit 3 persons. then when it gets late, you lower push up the backrest to make the center bed, take out the headrests to make pillows. abit of tinkering around, but its fun to do it once.

the moon setting the next morning

this trip up north was beautiful. we passed by long mountain ranges all draped in white, frozen rivers and lakes, fields of black bare trees in a flat white background, the golden sun peeping out and showering the mountain tops with glows of pink, yellow and red.


our destination reached at 11am. a cool -16C and 190km above the arctic circle. we start our 'holiday'



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