the singapore club in sweden had a gathering last week to celebrate CNY. steam boat at a restaurant in Nacka.

buy raffles tickets for 10sek and get a chance to win a prize.

interesting consept. in this ring with paper rolls. you tear of the bottom part leaving a stub. on both ends of the paper roll there are numbers. so you hold on to your end and the other end gets into a basket for the draw. very simple and easy method.

a japanese american who somehow came to a singapore gathering in sweden.

the usual cheong-ing during the first round.

the only two other young faces. the rest were families. all the uni students didnt turn up. so it was quite boring staring at each other.

floating tau poks

my first round of many many rounds

the lucky draw starts

one big box of chocolates!

the mess after the meal

dessert is dong yuen in red bean

one of the kids of the guy at the same table. he so looks like his father when he smiles. like a mini version,



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