wondering about Jukkasjärvi which is a very small place of two streets, which is where the ice hotel is located. went walking around and found a scene of a crime.

the trail of blood led into this place, which is a Sami village like place. i suspect it's Rudolph.

next to it is an old church which is one of the town's attractions because it has a Sami inspired alter, which is different. didnt get to go in because a service was on. wanted to join the service but the english one is at 6pm and we had to leave by train at 6+

the church proper

peeping into the windows.

the tower for the curhc bell and gate. it was quite heartening to see alot of young people walking into this church. the next generation is arising!

walking away from the church, this is what the road looks like.

180 view of a side of the road where they have some Sami celebrations.

postboxes at the side of the road. the postman just sends them all into the boxes because some houses are far in.

small cute house in the middle of an icefield.



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