started the day at 9am, yes, this is 9am at 190km above the arctic circle in January. not as bad as in late December where it only gets a little bright at 11.

violent girl in action trying to assassinate the kind cameraperson

we climbed down this embankment to get to the man made waterfall.

when she saw it, i think she regretted saying yes to this activity.

we abseiled down into a valley with 3 waterfalls. there used to be a turbine here. what happened was the government wanted to create clean energy from hydroelectric power by diverting some big river here, so the waterfalls were created to generate lots of high volume moving water.
then they realized that this place was frozen most of the year. so the dam project got scrapped. and the hikers got a few frozen waterfalls to climb.
still, the view from down here is breathtaking.

going up!

almost there!

almost there too!

very enjoyable workout. arms were sore for two days after that. so i'm not as fit as i should be. got to hit the gym more often now.



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