Last Saturday I went over to the embassy of Malaysia because they had an open house. Its the king's birthday and they threw a bash for him.
Arrived there at 1030 and they sang Negaraku, followed by a speach by His Excellency the ambassador, who touched on issues like keeping the good name of Malaysia while overseas, speaking the national language with pride, and taking Malaysian Airlines plane to show patriotism and because its 'sooooooo' cheap. Yeah, whatever.

The food was the major draw for the about 100 odd crowd. It was a good mix of races but you could see many cross marriages with ang mohs.
They served fried rice, curry chicken, instant roti canai, curry puff, and some green kuih I cannot identify. The other stuff they served that was not 'asian' were oranges, grapes, kebab, and ice cream.

Anyway, the food was so so, according to some old timers who have been here many times over, the previous sessions had nasi lemak, satay and laksa. Seems like the recessioin is hiting quite hard.
But it was a nice surprise to find other Malaysians/Singaporeans-acting-like-Malaysians-for-a-day, that I know there. Made the food tastier.

Long live the King! I shall write in a pettition to ask that we celebrate the king's birthday more often. After all, he is the king, should be given special rights, right?



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