So, with the distraction of the seminars out of the way, its time for more entertaining exploits.

A game of pool

Spying the waiters preparing the BBQ

The outdoor BBQ

The pit. I find the charcoals very interesting, all the same moulded shape. We had eye, fillet, and something else I have no idea what. The eye was best, coz very juicy.

Starters: sweet melon with slices of bacon and some drizzled honey

The lodge owner doing the cooking

Food. And rice!! but its the lousy praboiled type, still, I'm not complaining for free food.

There were swarms of mosquitoes, since it is spring and they can breed again. I killed like a dozen or so. You can see how huge these are, and to imagine a swarm above your head. gross. Some had bites on their faces, and can see red swells on their necks and foreheads. Trying hard not to laugh.

After a filling dinner, it is only apt to burn away some of the excess calories. So I went sunset hunting, and was duly rewarded with some golden sunset pics.

Perfect reflection. That house must cost alot.

Found a slug crossing the road. Relatives on the other side.

Glorious sunset.



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