Having a little free time, i scooted over to spy the new block opposite the lab which will be my soon to be dwelling, in 6 weeks time. Its this new block called Flemingsberg (Flemings-by-eh) Centrum. Its a project to build 169 student hostels and a small shopping mall next to it. So there are cafes, a huge supermart, and some other small shops.

I timed myself and it took a grand total of 3:45 to get from my lab door to the building.

my room to be, its facing eastwards, so will get the morning sun.

The western face

Still under construction, but you can see the adjourning small mall. At least food will not be a worry. The other blocks you see are also student hostels. All in bright colours, supposedly portrying a vibrant lifestyle.


  1. Jinny said...



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