One fine Saturday back in Mud City when I was on holiday, me dad says lets go out to see some falling water. So me grabs the camera and came out into the sun.

We went eastward and began a climb (the car climbed, I just sat there). Halfway, there was a little hill you could see the greying cityscape. The whole of Mud City lay at your feet. Can you hear the devil ask: 'all these things I will give if you fall down and worship me, muahahah'.
Thanks, but I'll pass on this soot filled valley.

Quiz: How to paint the KL cityscape?
Answer: You dont need to paint, just buy grey coloured paper.

Now, this is more like it. Water cachment area, as part of a dam that supplies water to I dont know where.

Some simian friends scurry to get some evolution tips from me; sorry bro, you won't live 2 billion years to see it happen.

Another lovely sight. Wondering if you can kayak down there.

This is the second waterfall we went to. The first is in another post.


The river grows narrow when you trek upstream

until you meet with a gurgling brook, with lovely buttress roots and crystal clear cold water. Now, this is the real Malaysian rainforest.



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