Last weekend, the Volvo Ocean race yachts were in town on a stopover before heading off to St. Petersburg, which is the last and final destination of this round the world, 9 months tour. Stockholm is a perfect stopover firstly because Volvo is the main sponsor (duhh...) and secondly because its a natural seaport with people crazy about boating.

First stop, the 15 minutes video about what the race is all about in this bubble dome. Quite a good video, I must say.

You can hire a plane to fly you around where the yachts are to see them from a good vantage point. The boats go out on some days for short day races.

An amphitheater with lots of performances.

The biggest sponsor, Volvo displaying their concept car. Very nice.

There is this section about responsible driving. This one is weighing scales that tell you how heavy you will be when you crash through the windscreen if you dont wear your seatbelts and the car is going at 30km/h. I'm 64kg, and will exert a force of 920kg when I fly out of the car.

A model of the newest 7l engine thats ecofriendly supposedly. HUGE

The front of the Volvo showroom



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