So, this is supposed to be part 1. Forgive my poor blog plannign skills. The first waterfall I visited that fateful Saturday morning was bigger than the second, but also more crowded. Entry is RM1 per person.

People camp around the compound, with teh waterfall's crashing noise rocking you to sleep

Bamboo thicket

cotton wool fall

Get a rubber tyre, and slide down from the top. Should be quite exhilarating

This is a milder version

going .....


Kids these days jump off anything, here a branch over a pool, with a backflip

another guy follwed suit immediately, its a wonder tehy didnt crash against each other in the water.

This one is scary. Rushing waters, narrow ledge.

You jump, I jump

Panorama of what people do to get their RM1's worth

Much upstream, there are fewer people, and quieter waters.

A lovely way to just waste away a day, dangling your feet in cold running water.



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