took the aeroline bus back to KL from singapore last week. noted to be one of the most expensive lines to get on, i thought i should at least try it out once. the ticket cost me S$47, a 'normal' ticket would actually cost only $23; hence there was high expectations from this liner.

the office had a waiting room with a tv and some nice chairs to wait for your bus.

the bus came promptly and we were ushered down to board.

the interior was business like. clean and no musty smells. the seats had a small cushion each with safety belts. pretty comfortable but not amazingly snug. i didnt feel any sore neck after the trip.

each chair had a little foldable table, like in planes.

even the seat number looks like it got ripped off a plane.

the terminal was by the way next to the ferry terminal at harbourfront. very convenient as there is a mrt station nearby.

the driver made some announcements and they help with your bags at the luggage compartment. service was good and they were quick with the luggage and boarding. soon we passed the immigration counters and passed the second link causeway.


goodbye red dot.

the bus stopped somewhere along the highway for a toilet break. the announcement was quite funny. it specially mentioned 'the toilet is for LIGHT usage only. for non LIGHT usage, please inform the bus captain who will make a stop along the highway. Please remember that the toilets are for LIGHT usage only. thank you.'
this is what you see when you first board the bus. there is a lower lounge area and the higher seating area.

here is the most disappointing part: lunch.
the website shows a picture of what a meal looks like. but see below to get an idea what trash i was fed. you call this lunch? totally not good.double thumbs down. and this was for the 'normal' meal. if you were vegetarian, they would serve you a bowl of instant maggi mee. what crap. after lunch you were supposedly able to get freeflow of tea/coffee. but they guy only gave one cup. the only good thing about meals onboard is that you dont waste the 30 minutes at some roadside coffee shop and the 10 minutes or so making a detour to get there.

the seats was comfortable and could recline really far back, which i think was the most valuable part of the trip - good sleep.

what the downstairs lounge looked like. very comfy. but its all the bus attendants who sit around there and munch on their own food.

nice lcd and next to it supposedly the 'snack bar' which is nothing but a microwave and a water dispenser.

every seat had a powerpoint to charge whatever you had. oh yeah, and nice legrests.

after crossing into malaysia, they started playing movies. point 1: the screen is too small, point 2: the sound is too soft.

still, the trip from end to end took just 5 hours, which is the fastest ever i had. overall, i wouldnt recommend this coach company to travelers, unless of course you have too much dough to burn. still, even if you do, i would suggest 'first class' by transtar, which is only S$1 more:
hmmm..... will try it next time round!



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