after breakfast, went to the main town to walk about. saw lots of pretty restored pre-war (pre-WWII) buildings, and equally many ugly ones.

the traditional method of hawking food.

wooden clogs, asian style. mainly used for the loo

some old furniture shop

ancient raincoat, made from some fiber

air well, to allow some sun in because the houses were so long, there was not enough lighting in the middle of the house thus they had to make a hole in the center so you get enough fresh air and light

normally the family will stay on the second story and the family business was run from the 1st floor. because the house was so long, here is a second air well. someone staying at the last room will take a good minute or two to walk out to the front door. and that person would not know that a fight was going on at the doorstep if he was in his back room.

wooden pram

chest of drawers. the inside is lined with some taoist ideologies.

medicine chest

pillows. yup. they didnt have any soft stuff. it doubled up as a storage area, so you can hide your million dollar bill and gold chains in there while you sleep



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