yes i know, where's the food you say

ok, first stop, the famous laksa and chendol place on Jonker street

this guy uses gula melaka like no need money like that

the noodle section

heaven, very creamy and refreshing

asam laksa. actually not the best i've eaten. my mum banned me from visiting my fav asam laksa stall in KL because she says its too spicy and too sour for my stomach. sigh...

curry laksa. dad says its very good. i have no comment, i dont really like this dish.

after that appetizer, we went to the chicken rice ball shop
thats chicken, rice ball shop
i thought initially it was rice balls with chicken inside
alas, its just rice balls
i just hope the guy that did it wore gloves.

chicken balls
erm, chicken rice

kick-ass chili

1030am (business starting up)

1430pm (sold all the chicken and its time to pack up)

as a little dessert i got some sweet stuff to munch. traditional chinese cookies thats chockfull of caramel, sesame seeds, and peanuts.

wonder whats for dinner....



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