
home is always a great place to be, more so if you can get a tangible taste of its sweetness.
so happens that there were some ripening rambutans on the tree just outside my house compound, planted by the previous owner, we were beginning to enjoy the fruits of patience.

the other plant outside the house is a young coconut tree, which always had a few fruits ready for plucking.

the tool used to cut the branches holding the fruits. you dont pluck them out one by one but trim the whole branch off. plucking them one by one will reduce the next season's fruiting and cutting it off whole will encourage more branches to grow and hence more fruits.

coconut opening. i use this large forged metal knife known localy as a 'parang'

cut the top of the fruit off in rings to get rid of the outer husk.

....till you see the outer shell of the inner fruit.

hit it right in the middle with the knife to make a hole. pour out the juice into a cup with an attached strainer to get rid of some dirt that may had got in while you were chopping the fruit.

this is an example of a fruit thats too old. dont drink the water as it will be high in oil and not sweet. the husk has dried up and changed colour to brownish.

next chop the fruit into two and get to the flesh inside. the one on the right is a young fruit, as the flesh is almost a transparent colour.

this is an old fruit. the flesh is thick and does not yield easily under spoon.

some of the unusual fruits. just with the shell and no flesh inside.

my dad also has a few fish. these two japanese carps grew too large and were eating up all the fish food he threw into the pond, which made the other fish not able to feed well. so the two bullies had to go. my hand is there to gauge the size of these things. too bad they are not good for cooking.

a wild orchid that my mum planted at another part of the house. nice.



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