found this shop selling ancient coins they dug out from sunken ships off the melaka harbor. deemed 'national treasures'. still, its for sale (for the right price). a Portuguese coin from 1510-ish can be bought for RM80 and a coin from the period of sultan manshor shah costs about RM200. all comes with a certificate to authenticate the item. supposedly the cert itself costs between 50-100 itself. they even sell 'crocodile' money only read of these things in history textbooks.

one cent on a note? and it costs RM10? inflation around here must be real bad.

bought this cool note for RM3.5

carried on walking and found a huge pineapple tart, something thats supposedly famous in this area, still, i didnt buy any because this one is three years old and it still has not got moldy, imagine the amount of preservatives they pump into it!

another interesting shop that sells shoes

tiny ones for women with bound feet. haha
no one these days around this area binds their feet. the shoes are just for decoration. the guy making the shoes learnt the trade from his dad who made these for real customers.

another shop selling semi precious gems

the way he handles them, you would think they were just chips of a marble. i really doubt its authenticity. its too cheap, and he always answers with dodgy lines.



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