went to melaka (malacca) for a 24 hours trip with my parents. started off in the afternoon and it took just under 1.5 hours to get to my friend's house there from KL.

we intended this to be a 'eat and eat' trip, so here goes!

first meal, coconut pudding served in a.... coconut! duhh...
soft jelly made of coconut milk (not coconut water) cast inside a coconut. not too sweet, very smooth, refreshing. RM8

then my friend found out that there was a cat infestation in his car bonnet. a mother cat gave birth to 4 kittens in the engine compartment. fried cat sounds good to me.

the neighbor had some pretty nice metal cast gatings.

we chased the cats away and here is the mother cat giving us a hiss.

dinner was peranakan food

peranakan curry which is not hot at all, made of a certain fish type and lots of pineapple and slightly spicy curry sauce

tofu with veggies and black fungus in a claypot

yam leaves stir fried in sambal.

stewed pork, they used the spine near the shoulders, so there's quite abit of meat. very soft and nice. black pepper, and a queer mix of herbs, i dont know how to describe it. but its good.

omelet with cincaluk, i.e. fermented shrimp paste. good stuff.

all gone, RM68

we went to take a look at the failed melaka island project. the mosque is complete but in darkness. the bridge linking to the 'island' is lighted up, a cruel reminder of how idiotic some megaprojects really are. still, it makes a good night shot.

evening sky

next stop, newton food center

first rate hawker food

'sweet soups', black glutinous rice, red bean, green bean, wheat porridge, ginko, etc...

oyster omelet with chilli

huge fellas!

meat dumplings pan fried with some soup in it.

ate some other stuff but didnt take good pictures of them. so cant post them up coz its all deleted.



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