this popular science book relates the microscopic and behind the scenes action to the workings of a normal day in a house. from explaining static you hear out of the radio to how toothpaste is made to the stuff that gets trapped in your hair and why the sound of a leaking dripping tap is so annoying.
its entertaining and sometimes illuminating. but some things you really dont want to know, like how they mass produce margarine and cakes, using lesser than ideal materials. it makes one more aware of amazing amount of science that goes on in the background without us humans even realizing or caring to bother about - it just happens and we sometimes cant care less of it or we cannot be else the amount of data to process will be too humongous.
anyway this is a good book to while your time away and to scare yourself out of breathing in vacuum cleaner air, eating ice cream, chips, margarine, cake,, standing under a tree during a thunderstorm, and washing your face.
below are a few pages about what happens to a house during a thunderstorm and what lightning and thunder is all about.



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