taking a break from lab and going back to my hometown, kuala lumpur from the 4th to 14th. have to start writing up my masters thesis asap. but really tired overall, mentally and physically. have been taking swimming lessons too, yea, i cant swim. but today i started on the breaststroke and can now almost get the strokes correct, but have yet to perfect my breathing timings. looking forward to practicing it and perfecting that one. then probably in a months time, once i get that stroke perfect, it will be freestyle and then butterfly. hurrah!
why i want to learn swimming?
well, singapore is a low laying island and at the moment the only insurance i have against it drowning in the sea of global warming is owning a 8th storey apartment. so in order to increase my chances of survival, i thought swimming would be good.
i was telling one of my labmates that i could now semi-swim the breaststroke and he doubted me. so i told him that he was not keeping abreast of my latest developments.



  1. Herb said...

    Watching for Sam's return from holiday and hoping he hasn't managed to drown himself. ;p

    Also wondering if you could update your link to me, I'd appreciate it.  


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