ok, this is the last post in this series. getting sick of posting already.

lastly, we went to the more touristy region of melaka.
this is some fountain dedicated to the queen. i think victoria

tricycles aka beca. a ride for an hour costs RM40. i rather take a taxi

christ church aka once known as the dutch reformed church.

next to it is some art gallery. they were displaying some abstract art, which i refused to pay to enter to view even though they had air cond.

no idea what type of architecture this is. my dad just warned that those jutting out things better had good support. well, considering they stood there since more than 400 years ago...

inside christ church. the floor is full of graves. and they engraved the top stone with crests, words and other decorations. even the walls had plaques in memory of certain people. another had a skull and crossbone on it. probably a pirate was burried there.
the plaques had very sad stories. one mentioned a mother died followed by her three daughters in the next 15 days because of typhoid. the father was left with an 'irrecoverable loss'. i had to take some time to gather my thoughts after i read that. dont think i could take such a loss. its quite hard to fanthom why these crazy white people will come all the way to this disease infested place to build a church and try to preach to the natives and traders.

but to the lost souls who came, sacrificed and died, all i can say from my heart is thank you.
oh yeah, please remember to give a generous monetary gift so they can keep the building in good running order.

clock tower

not much wind around here.

thats it, a 24 hour trip to Melaka, the historical city, the sights and the food. was pretty fun. should do this more often.



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